AI-driven innovation in industry verticals
Women-led AI startups and entrepreneurship
Forecast of Time Series
Deep Learning
Bias and fairness in AI algorithms
Natural Language Processing Algorithms
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
AI for social good and ethical AI practices
Predictive Analytics
Autonomous Vehicle Navigation
Big data analytics
Data Management in the Social Web
Facial Recognition and Expression Detection
Ethical considerations in data science
Large-Scale data Management and Analysis
Robotics and Automation
Women-led data science projects and case studies
Big Data Analytics in Government, Public Sector and Society in General
Open Source Tools for Artificial Intelligence
Programming Models and Environments for Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing to Support Big Data
Data-intensive Computing and MapReduce
Speech & Pattern Recognition
MapReduce-based Solutions
Causality Inference
New Computational Models for Big Data
Deductive Systems
Data Visualization at Scale
Track 2. Communication, Network, Hardware, High Performance Computing and Cyber Physical Systems
WLAN and Mobile WIMAX, 3G and 4G systems
Peer-to-Peer Architectures and Networks
Hardware acceleration technologies
Wireless Local Loop (WLL)
High Performance Interconnection Networks
Gender diversity in telecommunications industry
Multiple Access Technology
Partitioning, Mapping, and Scheduling
Innovations in wireless and mobile communication systems
Broadband Wireless Access
Load Balancing and Sharing
Network Interface Virtualization
Wireless Multimedia Services
Fault Tolerance and Resilience in HPC Systems
Network Virtualization Concept and Architecture
Cost-effective Rural, Urban and Community Wireless and Mesh Networks
Benchmarking and Performance Assessment in HPC
Green Datacenter
Networking and computing in challenged environment
Virtualization and Virtual Machines
Higher layers of protocols, application
Policies for communication access development
Machine Learning on GPUs, TPUs, CPUs
Physical and link layers and lower layers of protocols
Sensor networks / alert systems
Women-led advancements in HPC architectures and algorithms
Simulation, Modeling and analysis and performance evaluations
Mobile-based computing
Integration of cyber and physical components in CPS
Network management and services
Wireless, ad-hoc, meshed, etc. networks
Women-led research in autonomous systems
Optical Passive and Active components and devices
Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems
Challenges and opportunities in securing CPS
Security in Mobile and Wireless Networks
Cluster and Grid Computing
Gender diversity in IoT and smart infrastructure development
Fostering innovation and inventiveness in Fintech
Technological developments that shape Fintech
Portfolio choice/construction and performance evaluation
Transparency in Fintech
Fintech regulatory frameworks and digital innovation in the interest of consumers and market efficiency
Asset pricing (Time-series & Cross-sectional Predictability)
Information security audits
Derivatives and structured financial products
Risk management
Credit risk modelling
Immersive technologies in Finance: Unforeseen Outcomes and Ethical Implications
Auditing Technology
Market risk analysis
Transparency into Investment Product Performance for Clients
IT and CRM in Banking
Financial Inclusion, Financial Literacy, and Accessibility: Challenges and Opportunities
Business process modelling
Internet Banking and Emerging Markets
Compliance and Regulatory Challenges in FinTech Leveraging IoT to enhance Banking and Finance
Cybersecurity in Fintech
Fintech Startups and Innovation
Digital Payments and Mobile Wallets
Robo-advisors and Wealth Management
Disruptive technologies in the insurance sector.
Utilizing AI and ML algorithms for risk management and fraud detection
Automation of financial processes and customer service.
Track 4. Computing Education and Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Women-led tech startups and success stories
Location and Context Management
Information Technologies in HE Management and Administration
Access to venture capital and angel investing networks
Data Science and Business Intelligence
Human-Computer Challenge and Interaction
Mentorship and support programs for women entrepreneurs
Scientific fundament of e- and m-Commerce
Public Access to Information and Globalization
Building inclusive and diverse tech startup ecosystems
Women in academic leadership roles
Different Approaches to Implementation of ICT in S&T Education
Business process management, re-engineering and modelling
Gender diversity in computing research teams
Knowledge Management in e-Learning
Business Models and Economics of Community and Rural Wireless Networks
Best practices in recruiting and retaining women in computing programs
Virtual Classrooms, and Universities
Applications of Fuzzy Logic and Soft computing in Economics, Engineering, Medicine, Business etc.
Women-led research breakthroughs and collaborations
Learning & Content Management Systems
Internet as base of distributed business models
e-Learning Platforms and Tools
Mobile Learning Applications
Track 5. Computing Medicine and Healthcare
Healthcare Management Systems
Leadership styles and strategies
Computational methods for medical imaging and diagnosis
Human-Machine Interfaces for Disabled Persons
Overcoming gender bias and stereotypes
Ethical considerations in health data analytics
Mobile technologies for Healthcare applications
Mentorship and sponsorship programs
Gender diversity in healthcare technology workforce
Support for clinical decision-making
Advocacy for women in leadership roles
methodologies for Healthcare IT
e-Health and Telemedicine